Florence Lawrence
Directed by D.W. Griffith
Cinematography by Billy Bitzer
Starring George Gebhardt, Florence Lawrence, Harry Solter, Charles Inslee, Gladys Egan
Distributed by Biograph Company
Release date October 6, 1908
Country United States
Running time 8 m.
This film is part of our Silent Gems Collection and the DVD is available on Ebay. This film is on DVD "Florence Lawrence Rare Shorts".
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This film is part of our series 'Hidden Gems'. It can be watched by registered users who make a donation. For more details, please click here.
"The Zulu's Heart" is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith featuring Florence Lawrence and Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. Arthur Johnson has a small part as a Zulu warrior.
A Boer woman and her daughter are captured by Zulu warriors.
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Below is a short preview of the film.