Tore Svennberg and Victor Sjöström
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This film is part of our series 'Hidden Gems'. It can be watched by registered users who make a donation. For more details, please click here.
"Ingmar's Sons" is a drama featuring director Victor Sjöström (Seastrom), a star of Silent Hall of Fame. It is based on a novel by the Nobel-prize winning novelist Selma Lagerlöf. Victor Sjöström is also the principal star in the film.
Victor Seastrom was successful in his native Sweden before making a career in the USA in 1924-1930. His Hollywood films are still copyrighted, this is why we show you a film from his previous years.
A young woman is forced to marry a man she does not love and becomes increasingly unhappy.
Victor Sjöström
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Below is a short preview of the film.