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Dear Silent Hall of Fame Users:

    You have come to this website, because you like silent films and silent movie stars.  There are many places like this.  But unlike other sites, here at Silent Hall of Fame you can make a real difference.  You can help us show for the first time many films featuring your favorite silent stars that have not been seen in generations.  This will bring their names back into the public discourse.  But you can do much more than that: you can help your favorite silent stars receive belated recognition and glory.

    Until now there has never been an organization with the purpose to place a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for movie personalities from a century ago.  Silent Hall of Fame is this historic organization.  Silent Hall of Fame is the only organization of its kind.  We will make history and we invite you to become a part of history by sponsoring a silent movie star for the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  All contributions are tax deductible.

   Please use this button for a one-time donation. Use the button on the right-hand side for a recurring donation.



Sponsor Marceline Day for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!




Marceline Day was a major film star in the 1920s. She partnered with all top male actors of the era including Buster Keaton, Lon Chaney, Ramon Novarro. John Barrymore and Lewis Stone, to name a few. Marceline Day earned innumerable praises and glowing critic reviews, which are testament to her true ranking among the top movie stars of the Silent Era. Some of the critic praise can be seen in the trailer for the multiple award-winning "Marceline Day Documentary" that is shown here:

We do believe that Marceline Day is overdue for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, for which currently the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce charges $75,000. We crave the support of all Marceline Day fans, as well as all silent and classic film lovers, to sponsor this outstanding silent movie actress for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


All donors who contribute $1,000 or more will receive as a gift the 3 DVDs with the multiple award-winning "Marceline Day Documentary."

In addition:
1/ all donors who contribute $5,000 or more will receive as a gift 15 DVDs from our world-famous Silent Gems Collection (please see below).
1/ all donors who contribute $10,000 or more will receive as a gift 50 DVDs from our world-famous Silent Gems Collection (please see below).
1/ all donors who contribute $25,000 or more will receive as a gift 250 DVDs from our world-famous Silent Gems Collection (please see below).



Rare Gems on DVD

Our users have spoken, and we have listened. You want to see rare and hard to find films, and we have created for you the Silent Gems Collection, available on eBay. This DVD collection includes rare and for the first time available films with our stars, as well as other silent masterpieces. These are high quality films that are hard to find anywhere else. Please click on this link to see the collection: Silent Gems Collection

Important Update:

You don't have to leave our website in order to obtain the films from our Silent Gems Collection. These gems are now available to our users as a reward for donation. For details click here.

 Out Yonder 1919The Woman God Forgot 1917That Model from Paris 1926For Better for Worse 1919Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall 1924



    We are proud to present to all silent film lovers our multiple award-winning documentary! In March 2015 it won the distinction "Award of Merit" at the San Francisco Film Awards. In May it won the Silver Award at the 2015 International Independent Film Awards. In September 2015 it won the Award of Recognition at the Accolade Global Film Competition. Of equal merit is the inclusion of the documentary in the Official Selection of the San Jose International Short Film Festival in October 2015. In December the documentary won the extremely prestigious Diamond Award at the 2015 California Film Awards. The amazing run of recognition for our documentary continued in 2016. In February it was included in the Official Selection of the Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival.

 San Francisco Film Awards newInternational Independent Film Awards newAccolade Global Film Competition Award newSan Jose International Short Film Festival newCalifornia Film Awards small new

Marceline Day in The Road to Romance 1927 director john robertson 18Oct1927 2

   Marceline Day and Ramon Novarro in "The Road to Romance" (1927).


This film is part of our Silent Gems Collection and the DVD is available on Ebay.

You don't have to leave our website in order to obtain the films from our Silent Gems Collection. These gems are now available to our users in exchange for donation. For details click here.

This Silent Hall of Fame documentary "Breaking the Silence" was created to present to the public our stars and our mission, and to ask the viewers for their support.

This is now a multiple award-winning documentary!  In March 2015 it won the distinction "Award of Merit" at the San Francisco Film Awards. In May it won the Silver Award at the 2015 International Independent Film Awards. In September 2015 it won the Accolade Global Film Competition Award of Recognition. Of equal merit is the inclusion of the documentary in the Official Selection of the San Jose International Short Film Festival in October 2015. In December the documentary won the extremely prestigious Diamond Award at the 2015 California Film Awards. The amazing run of recognition for our documentary continued in 2016. In February it was included in the Official Selection of the Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival.


San Francisco Film AwardsInternational Independent Film Awards

 Accolade Global Film Competition Award


Production of                      Silent Hall of Fame
Executive Producer            Alex Staykov
Producers                            A. Reid, Pat Awest
Directed and edited by        Kinga Kowalczyk
Featuring                             Alex Staykov, Nina Roberts, Scott Roberts, John Klein,
                                             Gary Kent, George Keil, Hugh M. Neely, Dydia DeLyser
Starring                                all the stars of Silent Hall of Fame
Cinematography                   Kacper Skowron
Music                                    Eddie Baytos
Release date                         March 20, 2015
Running time                       25 minutes
Country                                USA
Language                              English


 San Jose International Short Film FestivalCalifornia Film Awards smallBuffalo Niagara International Film Festival 2


If you like the film you can post a rating and a review on IMDB

We need your support to push forward with our mission.  Please make a tax-deductible contribution to help your favorite star achieve belated recognition and glory.



Below you can read a few reactions to the film:


Bravo! - John Klein, relative of our star Marceline Day (email message)

I am delighted by the entire theme, production, music and film clips. Your documentary brings a new awareness to the public of other silent film stars who deserve recognition while also mentioning the fact of lost films and the need to restore the films that are in storage. - Nina Roberts, grand-daughter of our star Joe Roberts (email message)

Hi Alex, thank you so much for sending me the link. I just watched it - very professionally made, and there is some amazing footage from silent movies with breathtaking stunts. - Shirley Freitas, great-granddaughter of our star Helen Holmes (email message)

Well done promotion for forgotten silent stars and the need to preserve their memories…I will post on my FB page. - Ned Thanhouser, Director and Producer, grandson of Edwin Thanhouser,  the founder of the Thanhouser Company (email message)

My wife and I just watched it and I have to say we are both very impressed.  Very well done, it was very professional, you sounded well spoken and to the point. We really liked that you had the young people watching the films and then commenting on them, also the narrator driving with the lady in the end in the old car was a nice touch. Overall, we both thought it was very well done and inspiring!!! - a friend (email message)

Wow, totally impressive Alex! Thanks for sharing that film with me, it is awesome! - Jimbo Berkey (email message)

Hi Alex, thanks for the link.  I watched it this morning.  Fantastic Job! - A. Michael Aus (email message)

I saw your documentary on silent era pioneers and loved it! Keep up your great work of recognizing the wonderful stars of the silent era! - silentmoviequeen (at YouTube)

Saw it, loved it - thanks so much! - alvisrocks (at NitrateVille)

Your documentary does a fine job emphasizing the importance of not only preserving silent films, but keeping them in circulation so that younger viewers can witness an important part of history unfold. Excellent work. - Zach Snow (email message)

Watched it as soon as I got your email—what a lovely film! I will put a link to it on our library guide for videos. Thank you! - Leigh Rockey (email message)

I absolutely adored the documentary! Seeing so many of my favorite stars being shown was just incredible. And the end with Marceline Day's name imposed onto the star? Goosebumps! - Jessica Wahl (email message)


Silent Hall of Fame documentary


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