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Dear Silent Hall of Fame Users:

    You have come to this website, because you like silent films and silent movie stars.  There are many places like this.  But unlike other sites, here at Silent Hall of Fame you can make a real difference.  You can help us show for the first time many films featuring your favorite silent stars that have not been seen in generations.  This will bring their names back into the public discourse.  But you can do much more than that: you can help your favorite silent stars receive belated recognition and glory.

    Until now there has never been an organization with the purpose to place a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for movie personalities from a century ago.  Silent Hall of Fame is this historic organization.  Silent Hall of Fame is the only organization of its kind.  We will make history and we invite you to become a part of history by sponsoring a silent movie star for the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  All contributions are tax deductible.

   Please use this button for a one-time donation. Use the button on the right-hand side for a recurring donation.



Sponsor Marceline Day for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!




Marceline Day was a major film star in the 1920s. She partnered with all top male actors of the era including Buster Keaton, Lon Chaney, Ramon Novarro. John Barrymore and Lewis Stone, to name a few. Marceline Day earned innumerable praises and glowing critic reviews, which are testament to her true ranking among the top movie stars of the Silent Era. Some of the critic praise can be seen in the trailer for the multiple award-winning "Marceline Day Documentary" that is shown here:

We do believe that Marceline Day is overdue for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, for which currently the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce charges $75,000. We crave the support of all Marceline Day fans, as well as all silent and classic film lovers, to sponsor this outstanding silent movie actress for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


All donors who contribute $1,000 or more will receive as a gift the 3 DVDs with the multiple award-winning "Marceline Day Documentary."

In addition:
1/ all donors who contribute $5,000 or more will receive as a gift 15 DVDs from our world-famous Silent Gems Collection (please see below).
1/ all donors who contribute $10,000 or more will receive as a gift 50 DVDs from our world-famous Silent Gems Collection (please see below).
1/ all donors who contribute $25,000 or more will receive as a gift 250 DVDs from our world-famous Silent Gems Collection (please see below).



Rare Gems on DVD

Our users have spoken, and we have listened. You want to see rare and hard to find films, and we have created for you the Silent Gems Collection, available on eBay. This DVD collection includes rare and for the first time available films with our stars, as well as other silent masterpieces. These are high quality films that are hard to find anywhere else. Please click on this link to see the collection: Silent Gems Collection

Important Update:

You don't have to leave our website in order to obtain the films from our Silent Gems Collection. These gems are now available to our users as a reward for donation. For details click here.

 Out Yonder 1919The Woman God Forgot 1917That Model from Paris 1926For Better for Worse 1919Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall 1924



    We are proud to present to all silent film lovers our multiple award-winning documentary! In March 2015 it won the distinction "Award of Merit" at the San Francisco Film Awards. In May it won the Silver Award at the 2015 International Independent Film Awards. In September 2015 it won the Award of Recognition at the Accolade Global Film Competition. Of equal merit is the inclusion of the documentary in the Official Selection of the San Jose International Short Film Festival in October 2015. In December the documentary won the extremely prestigious Diamond Award at the 2015 California Film Awards. The amazing run of recognition for our documentary continued in 2016. In February it was included in the Official Selection of the Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival.

 San Francisco Film Awards newInternational Independent Film Awards newAccolade Global Film Competition Award newSan Jose International Short Film Festival newCalifornia Film Awards small new

Fiscal Sponsorship

  • Silent Hall of Fame as a Fiscal Sponsor


    Marceline Day encourages Buster Keaton to keep trying in "The Cameraman" (1928). Click to watch the clip.



    We know that it is not easy to finance nonprofit projects.  Even the most noble charitable intentions can come to naught without adequate funding. This is why we want to help other public and charitable ventures succeed.

    Silent Hall of Fame supports individuals and organizations creating values in the public interest by providing fiscal sponsorship to non-commercial projects, which align with our public and charitable mission. Such projects may be in, but are not limited to, all disciplines of Arts and Culture, education, science and the environment.


    What is fiscal sponsorship?

    Fiscal sponsorship is a formal arrangement in which Silent Hall of Fame - a 501(c)(3) public charity - sponsors a project that lacks exempt status. This alternative to pursuing your own tax exemption allows you to seek grants and solicit tax-deductible donations under our exempt status. Since most grant-makers give to organizations with tax-exempt status, fiscal sponsorship may help you qualify for more funding opportunities.


    A Fiscal Sponsorship model: the Pre-approved Grant Relationship

    Silent Hall of Fame pre-approves an individual or entity as a grantee, agrees to establish a restricted fund to receive tax-deductible financial contributions from donors for the purpose of supporting the grantee’s charitable project, and makes grants to the grantee from the restricted fund. Silent Hall of Fame maintains a Grantor-Grantee relationship with the project leaders through a formal Project Grant Agreement.


    Overview of the Pre-approved Grant Relationship process

    Step 1. The person or organization leading the project submits a written application, including specific description of the proposed project, to Silent Hall of Fame asking for prospective project sponsorship.
    Step 2. Silent Hall of Fame evaluates the proposal to determine whether the project promotes our tax-exempt purposes.
    Step 3. The Board of directors of Silent Hall of Fame reviews and approves sponsoring the project.  Thus, before funds are solicited and received from donors, foundations, or government agencies, Silent Hall of Fame as sponsor has pre-approved the project as its grantee.
    Step 4. Silent Hall of Fame as sponsor and the project leaders sign a written grant agreement setting forth all terms and conditions that apply to the project’s use of the grant and the relations with the funding sources.  The grant agreement includes a condition that Silent Hall of Fame as sponsor retains complete control and discretion over the use of all contributions it receives.  That element of sponsor discretion and control will be made known, in writing, to the funding sources.
    Step 5. Silent Hall of Fame receives donations and grants for the specific project, and then distributes the funds as grant payments to the person or organization conducting the project.
    Step 6. The project leaders make periodic written reports to Silent Hall of Fame, in accordance with the grant agreement, showing its actual expenditures of grant funds and its progress toward accomplishing the purposes of the grant. The project is expected to have its own legal, tax and accounting identity with a project-related bank account.  The project – NOT the sponsor – is responsible for the project’s own employment taxes, insurance, debts, liabilities, tax returns and other relevant legal obligations.

    Below you can find additional insights in the Pre-approved Grant Relationship process.

    What should you know before applying?

    Your project must have public benefit and must be non-commercial in nature.
    When approaching your prospects, be ready to submit a written proposal that makes clear why your project is needed, its objectives, timeline, staffing and budget. Explain how it advances the public and charitable mission of Silent Hall of Fame.

    Fiscal sponsorship fee

    Silent Hall of Fame retains for its administrative costs a small percentage of all grants and contributions received in support of an approved project.

    For check donations:

    7% for amounts from $10,000 to $20,000
    6% for amounts up to $50,0000
    5% for amounts up to $100,000
    4% for amounts over $100,000

    For credit card donations add an additional 3%.

    For small-scale projects we negotiate fixed fees. We charge a 2-4% premium for government grants.


    To start the application process or to inquire please send us a message from the "Contact us" page.


    Additional reading


    Detailed Guidelines

    In its fiscal sponsorship functions Silent Hall of Fame follows current guidelines about Pre-Approved Grant Relationship formulated by the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors.

    Fiscal sponsorship means Silent Hall of Fame, a nonprofit organization (the “fiscal sponsor”), agrees to provide services and oversight to the activities of groups or individuals engaged in work that furthers our public and charitable mission.

    Fiscal sponsorship confers significant potential benefits on the leaders of sponsored projects.  They allow new community ventures to more quickly and efficiently get off the ground, without the delay or bureaucratic red-tape associated with incorporating and filing federal and state applications for tax exemptions. 

    Silent Hall of Fame, as tax-exempt and charitable venture, permits project leaders – from the moment we agree to accept  the project – to legally solicit and benefit from charitable contributions from individuals and grants from private foundations and other funding institutions.  Silent Hall of Fame places program implementation responsibility in the hands of project  leaders; we are not involved in the programmatic decision-making process of the sponsored groups.

    In a Pre-approved grant relationship the fiscally sponsored project does not become a program belonging to Silent Hall of Fame, but is a separate entity responsible for managing its own tax reporting and liability issues.  Silent Hall of Fame simply assures itself that the project will use the grant funds received to accomplish the ends described in the grant proposal.

    We follow Recommended Best Practices

    1. Public Interest Mission and Program Focus
    Silent Hall of Fame expresses a clear mission intended to advance the public interest, and all programs and related activities support that mission.
    2. Legal, Tax and Regulatory Compliance
    Silent Hall of Fame fulfills all legal, tax and regulatory requirements of philanthropic and charitable nonprofit organizations and complies with the letter and the spirit of all laws.
    3. Fiscal Integrity
    Silent Hall of Fame manages all funds, assets and other resources under its direct control with a high degree of responsibility, integrity, transparency and accountability.
    4. Administrative and Operational Integrity
    Silent Hall of Fame manages all administrative duties and responsibilities professionally and with a high degree of integrity and accountability.
    Silent Hall of Fame acts as a grantor supporting projects by making a series of grants to the grantee entity conducting the fiscally sponsored  project. 
    Features of a well managed grant relationship include: the grantee’s proposal to conduct a specific charitable project; periodic reports from the project back to Silent Hall of Fame; an arm’s length grant agreement that protects Silent Hall of Fame from the liabilities of the fiscally sponsored project; clear communications, as needed, to the project’s vendors stating that the sponsor is not responsible for the project’s liabilities.
    5. Board Accountability, Ethical Conduct and Governance
    The Board of directors of Silent Hall of Fame governs ethically, avoiding conflicts of interest in conducting the affairs of the organization and in carrying out its legal,  fiduciary and policy making responsibilities.
    6. Assessing and Selecting Projects
    Silent Hall of Fame engages in a clear, systematic process when assessing and selecting projects for sponsorship.
    A. Mission Fit.
    Silent Hall of Fame assures that the public interest purposes of all projects support our mission and charitable purpose.
    B. Project Assessment Criteria and Guidance.
    Silent Hall of Fame uses a clear set of evaluation criteria in considering all prospective projects for sponsorship.
    C. Project Leadership Fit.
    Silent Hall of Fame evaluates the capability, potential, experience, and integrity of project leaders to assure a constructive, mutually respectful working relationship between our staff and project leaders.
    D. Project Sponsorship Application. 
    Silent Hall of Fame requires sponsorship applicants to submit a detailed written project plan that articulates the civic, social and community benefits the project intends to pursue.
    E. Written Mutual Understanding.
    Silent Hall of Fame and designated project leaders(s) execute a written grantor-grantee understanding detailing the terms and expectations of the relationship, including the financial terms and charges for providing fiscal sponsorship services.  The understanding provides that Silent Hall of Fame retains full legal discretion and control over funds raised by the project.
    7. Fiscal Sponsor Service Commitment to Projects
    Silent Hall of Fame pursues its public interest mission through the projects it sponsors; recognizes and respects project leaders for their knowledge, skill and expertise; and places a high priority on encouraging and facilitating efficacy in its projects to achieve beneficial societal ends.
    8. Expectations of Projects
    Silent Hall of Fame expects project leaders to adhere to clearly stated standards of ethical conduct, organizational policies and operational procedures.
    A. Ethical  Conduct. 
    Silent Hall of Fame expects that all project personnel will act with high standards of ethical conduct.
    B. Active  Project  Fundraising.
    Silent Hall of Fame expects project leaders to conduct the primary work of resource development.
    C. Project  Reports.
    Silent Hall of Fame expects project leaders to assume responsibility for reporting orally and in writing to us and to the project donors.
    D.Public Policy Engagement.
    Silent Hall of Fame provides and expects project leaders to understand and comply with the required legal and ethical guidelines when engaging in lobbying and public policy advocacy activities.
    E. Disclosure and Communication of Project Status. 
    Silent Hall of Fame requires projects to clearly disclose and state in writing their affiliation with us (the fiscal sponsor) in all grant proposals, solicitations and published or online materials.
    F. Injurious Activities.
    Silent Hall of Fame expects that no project will knowingly engage in any activity that jeopardizes our corporate, nonprofit or tax-exempt status or otherwise create injurious liability.
    G. Dispute Resolution. 
    Silent Hall of Fame, while retaining full legal and fiscal control of restricted funds, works to fairly resolve disputes that may arise between us and project leaders.
    H. Project Termination and Separation.
    Silent Hall of Fame has a process through which our staff and project leaders discuss the timing, steps and procedures for separating or terminating the project.

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